Well, apparently I'm weaker than I thought. Getting rid of Facebook is hard! I have decided though, to do away with it today, as a New Year's resolution, of course.
I am so excited for this new year and everything it will bring! My family is *finally* complete and amazing! Three kids is so much harder than two, but I wouldn't change it for anything. Alivia is such a happy little sweetheart. Ava is getting sassier, but seriously cuter by the minute, and Layla is getting sweeter (also sassier) and smarter by the minute.
I know this blog has and will have to real rhyme or reason, but I'm really big on remembering everything I can about my girls. So, that's what I'm going to do :) I'm going to try by best to keep updating and just enjoying my life without the drama, comparison, and validation of Facebook.
I woke up at the late hour of 7:15 this morning, watched the first sunrise, and two of my girls are STILL sleeping at 8:23am! 2015 is going to be awesome.
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